Uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto terasa saṃghādisesā dhammā nava paṭhamāpattikā, cattāro yāvatatiyakā. Yesaṃ bhikkhu aññataraṃ vā aññataraṃ vā āpajjitvā yāvatīhaṃ jānaṃ paṭicchādeti, tāvatīhaṃ tena bhikkhunā akāmā parivatthabbaṃ. parivatthaparivāsena bhikkhunā uttari chārattaṃ bhikkhumānattāya paṭipajjitabbaṃ, ciṇṇamānatto bhikkhu yattha siyā vīsatigaṇo bhikkhusaṃgho tattha so bhikkhu abbhetabbo. Ekenapi ce ūno vīsatigaṇo bhikkhusaṃgho taṃ bhikkhuṃ abbheyya, so ca bhikkhu anabbhito, te ca bhikkhū gārayhā, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci. Tatthāyasmante pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, dutiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, tatiyampi pucchāmi, kaccittha parisuddhā, parisuddhetthāyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṃ dhārayāmīti. Saṃghādiseso niṭṭhito. | Venerable sirs, the thirteen-saṃghādisesa sikkhāpadas, nine being established on first transgression and four on the third transgression, have been recited. Having committed any one of which, he must line on probation with no choice in this matter for as many days as he knowingly concealed it. When he has finished the probation, he must undertake in addition the six-night penance to get the please of monks. When he has completed the penance, he must be reinstated comprising 20 monks in the sīmī. If even one less than 20 monks reinstate him it is not being reinstated. And those monks are censurable.This is proper course here. Reverences, in this saṃghādisesa sikkhāpadas, I ask ..., Are you pure from the offences? For the second time, I ask…, Are you pure from the offences? For the third time, I ask..., Are you pure in the offences? In this Saṃghādisesa sikkhāpadas, you are keeping silent so that I understand that you are pure from offence. |

probation as many day as he concealed it.

to recite ñatticatuttha kammavācāin a Sīmā.
Ten factors conducive to concealing (paṭicchādana lakkhaṇā)
1. Āpatti = committing one of the thirteen saṃghādisesa offences.
2. Āpattisaññī = knowing he commits it.
3. Pakatatto = being a pure monk which means he is not in pārājika
and also not in excommunication of the Saṃgha Order.
4. Pakatattasaññī = knowing he is so.
5. Anantarāyiko = having no any danger there such as king, thief, flame, flood,etc.
6. Anantarāyikasaññī = knowing there is no any danger.
7. Pahu = having ability to go to another monk to confess.
8. Pahusaññī = knowing such ability he has.
9. Chādetukāmo = having desire to conceal which he commits.
10. Chādeti = having the dawn arisen while concealing it.
The procedures of parivāsa
1. One must ask Parivāsafrom the Saṃgha Order in Sīmā.
2. The Parivāsa must be given by the Saṃgha Order by reciting Ñatticatutthakammavācā.
3. One must observe the Parivāsa by saying:
"Parivāsaṃ samādiyāmi, vattaṃ samādiyāmi."
“I observe the Parivāsa,I observe the duty.”
4. One must inform his Parivāsaby saying:
"Ahaṃ bhante sambahulā saṃghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṃ-----sohaṃ parivasāmi. Vediyāmahaṃ bhante vedayatīti maṃ saṃghgo dhāretu".
“Ven. Sir, I have committed many kinds of saṃghādisesa offences-----I am living on probation. Venerable Sir, I inform you it. May the Saṃgha hold me to have informed.”
5. When one undertakes the procedure of Anikkhitta(without putting it aside), he must take on without putting the Parivāsa aside.
6. When one undertakes the procedure of Nikkhitta(putting it aside),
(a) He must put the Parivāsaaside in front of the present Saṃgha Order or any monk in the other places by saying:
"Parivāsaṃ nikkhipāmi,vattaṃ nikkhipāmi".
“I put the Parivāsa aside, I put the duty aside.”
(b) He has to observe it again before dawn time.
(c) He has to put it aside again after dawn time by saying above sentence.
Three kinds of parivāsa
1.Paṭicchannaparivāsa = the parivāsawhich should be observed in accord with the numbers of days one concealed the Saṃghādisesa offence..
(a) -Cūḷasuddhanta = the parivāsa which should be observed according to one's thought.
(b) -Mahāsuddhanta = the parivāsawhich should be observed in accordance with the duration
as long as one was ordained.
3.Samodhāna parivāsa
(a) -Odhānasamodhāna = the parivāsa which should be observed when one commits
Saṃghādidesa offence again and conceals it while living on probation.
(b) -Agghasamodhāna = the parivāsa which should be observed depending on the longest period
when one concealed different kinds of Saṃghādisesa offences…
(same base or not, but the concealing days must be different)
(c) -Missakasamodhāna = the parivāsawhich should be observed as a combination method
when one concealed different kinds of Saṃghādisesa offences... (same base or not, but the concealing days must be the same)
Three factors which cause the parivāsa lost
1. Sleeping together with any monks under the same roof.
2. Sleeping outside of monastery beyond twelve cubits distances.
3. Living without information about Parivāsato the monk.
Mūlāyapaṭikassanāraha monks
1. pārivāsika monk = parivāsa (antarāpatti)
2. mānattāraha monk = parivāsa> mānattāraha (antarāpatti)
3. mānattācārika monk = parivāsa> mānattāraha> mānatta (antarāpatti)
4. abbhānāraha monk = parivāsa> mānattāraha > mānatta> abbhānāraha (antarāpatti)
The procedures of mānatta
1. One must ask Mānatta from the Saṃgha Order in Sīmā.
2. The Mānatta must be given by the Saṃgha Order by reciting Ñatticatutthakammavācā.
3. One must observe the Mānatta by saying”
"Mānattaṃ samādiyāmi,vattaṃ samādiyāmi."
“I observe the Mānatta, I observe the duty.”
4. One must inform his Mānatta by saying:
"Ahan bhante sambahulā saṃghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṃ----sohaṃ mānattaṃ carāmi. Vediyāmahaṃ bhante vedayatīti maṃ saṃghgo dhāretu".
“Venerable Sir,I have committed many kinds of Saṃghādisesa offences----I am Undertaking the penance. Venerable Sir,I inform you it:may the Saṃgha hold me to have informed.”
5. When one undertakes the procedure of Anikkhitta(without putting it aside), he must take on without putting the Mānatta aside.
6. When one undertakes the procedure of Nikkhitta (putting it aside),
(a) He must put the Mānatta aside in front of the present Saṃgha Order or any four monks in the other places by saying:
"Mānattaṃ nikkhipāmi,vattaṃ nikkhipāmi".
“I put the Mānattaaside, I put the duty aside.”
(b) He has to observe it again before dawn time.
(c) he has to put it again after dawn time by saying above sentence.
Four kinds of mānatta
1. Paṭicchanna mānatta = the Mānatta which should be observed, at the end of the Parivāsa,
if one concealed Saṃghādusesa offence.
2. Appaṭicchanna mānatta = the Mānattawhich should be observed,
without observing Parivāsa, if one does not conceal Saṃghādisesa offence.
3. Pakkha mānatta = the Mānatta which should be observed by Bhikkhunīs in fifteen
days duration whether they concealed Saṃghādisesa offence or not.
4. Samodāna mānatta
(a) Odhānasamodhāna = the mānatta which should be observed at the end of the
Odhānasamodhāna parivāsa.
(b) Agghasamodhāna = the mānatta which should be observed at the end of the
Agghasamodhāna parivāsa.
(c) Missakasamodhāna = the mānatta which should be observed at the end of the
Missakasamodhāna parivāsa.
*N.B -One who follows the procedure of Nikkhitta parivāsahas to observe and inform the Parivāsaat the beginning of Mānatta.
-One who follows the procedure of Anikkhitta parivāsaneeds not observe and inform the Parivāsaat the beginning of Mānatta.
-Only the Mānatta should be asked by one who undertakes the Appaṭicchannamānatta,and he does not need to observe and inform the Parivāsa.
Four factors which cause the mānatta lost
1. Sleeping together with any monks under the same roof.
2. Sleeping outside of monastery beyond twelve cubits distances.
3. Living without information about Mānatta to the monks.
4. Being less than four monks while undertaking Mānatta .
The procedures of abbhāna

(b) One who follows the procedure of Anikkhitta mānatta need not observe and inform the Mānatta at the beginning of Abbhāna which should be asked from the Saṃgha.

![]() Ahaṃ bhante ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajjiṃ sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ.So haṃ bhante saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yācāmi. (Dutiyampi-) (Tatiyampi-) | ![]() I, your reverences, have fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. So I, honored Sirs, ask the order for the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. (For the second time-) (For the third time-) |
![]() Suṇātu me bhante saṃgho. Ayaṃ bhikkhu ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajji sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ. So saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sa³cetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yācati.Yadi saṃghassa pattakallaṃ. Saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ dadeyya. Esā ñatti. Suṇātu me bhante saṃgho. Ayaṃ bhikkhu ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajji sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ. So saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sa³cetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yācati. Saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ dadeyya. Yassāyasmato khamati tasssa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsassa dānaṃ. So tuṇhassa. Yassa nakkhamati. So bhāseyya. (Dutuyampi etamatthaṃ vadāmi-) (Tatiyampi etamatthaṃ vadāmi-) Dinno saṃghena tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāso. Khamati saṃghassa. Tasmā tuṇhī. Evametaṃ dhārayāmi. | ![]() Honored Sirs, let the Order listen to me. This monk has fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. He is asking the Order for one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. If it seems right to the Order, the Order may pronounce one day probation on the monk. This is the motion. Honored Sirs, let the Order listen to me. This monk has fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. He is asking the Order for one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. the Order pronounces one day probation on the monk for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. If the pronouncing of the one day probation on the monk for that offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day, is pleasing to a venerable, he should be silent; he to whom it is not pleasing should speak. (For the second time I speak forth this matter: -----) (For the third time I speak forth this matter: -----) One day probation has been pronounced by the Order on the monk for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. It is pleasing to the Order, therefore it is silent. Thus do I hold it. |
![]() Parivāsaṃ samādiyāmi. Vattaṃ samādiyāmi. (three times) | ![]() I observe myself the probation. I observe myself the duty.(three times) |
![]() Ahaṃ bhante ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajjiṃ sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappṭicchannaṃ. sohaṃ saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekīhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāciṃ. Tassa me saṃgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ adāsi.sohaṃ parivasāmi. vedayāmahaṃ bhante.vediyatīti maṃ saṃgho dhāretu. (three times) | ![]() I, your reverences, have fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. So I, honored Sirs, asked the Order for the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. The Order has pronounced on me the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. I now perform the one day probation. Honored Sirs, I declare: let the Order hold that I declare. (three times) |
![]() Parivāsaṃ nikkhipāmi. Vattaṃ nikkhipāmi. (three times) | ![]() I put the probation aside. I put the duty aside. (three times) |
![]() Ahaṃ bhante ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajjiṃ sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ.So haṃ bhante saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāciṃ. Tassa me saṃgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchnnāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ adāsi.sohaṃ bhante parivutthaparivāso saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ yācāmi. (three times) | ![]() I, your reverences, have fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. So I, honored Sirs, asked the order for the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. The order pronounced on me the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. Having performed the one day probation, I now ask the Order the six night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. (three times) |
![]() Suṇātu me bhante saṃgho. Ayaṃ bhikkhu ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajji sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ. So saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sa³cetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāci. Saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhapaparivāsaṃ adāsi. So parivuṭṭhaparivāso saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ yācati.yadi saṃghassa pattakallaṃ. saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ dadeyya. esā ñatti. Suṇātu me bhante saṃgho. Ayaṃ bhikkhu ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajji sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ. So saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sa³cetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāci. Saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhapaparivāsaṃ adāsi. So parivuṭṭhaparivāso saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ yācati. saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ deti. Yassāyasmato khamati tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ dānaṃ.so tuṇhassa yassa bhāseyya. (Dutuyampi etamatthaṃ vadāmi-) (Tatiyampi etamatthaṃ vadāmi-) dinnaṃ saṃghena tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ.khamati saṃghassa. Tasmā tuṇhī. evametaṃ dhārayāmi. | ![]() Honored Sirs, let the Order listen to me. This monk has fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. He asked the Order for one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. And the Order pronounced on the monk the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen. Having performed the probation, he is now asking the Order for a six-night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. If it seems right to the Order, the Order may pronounce the six-night penance on the monk. This is the motion. Honored Sirs, let the Order listen to me. This monk has fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. He asked the Order for one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. And the Order pronounced on the monk the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen. Having performed the probation, he is now asking the Order for a six-night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. If the pronouncing of the six-night penance on the monk for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day, is pleasing to a venerable, he should be silent; he to whom it is not pleasing should speak. (For the second time I speak forth this matter: -----) (For the third time I speak forth this matter: -----) |
![]() Mānattaṃ samādiyāmi. vattaṃ samādiyāmi. (three times) | ![]() I observe myself the penance. I observe myself the duty. (three times) |
![]() Ahaṃ bhante ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajjiṃ sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappṭicchannaṃ. sohaṃ saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekīhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāciṃ. tassa me saṃgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ adāsi. sohaṃ parivuṭṭhaparivāso saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ yāciṃ. tassa me saṃgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ adāsi. sohaṃ mānattaṃ carāmi. vediyāmahaṃ bhante. vediyatīti maṃ saṃgho dhāretu. (three times) | ![]() I, your reverences, have fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. So I, honored Sirs, asked the order for the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. The order pronounced on me the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. Having performed the one day probation, I asked the Order the six night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. The Order pronounced on me the six-night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. I now perform the penance. Honored Sirs; I declare; let the Order hold that I declare. (three times) |
![]() Mānattaṃ nikkhipāmi. Vattaṃ nikkhipāmi. (three times) | ![]() I put the penance aside. I put the duty aside. (three times) |
![]() Ahaṃ bhante ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajjiṃ sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ. So haṃ bhante saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāciṃ. Tassa me saṃgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchnnāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ adāsi.sohaṃ bhate parivutthaparivāso saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ yāciṃ. tassa me saṃgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ adāsi. sohaṃ bhante ciṇṇamānatto saṃghaṃ abbhānaṃ yācāmi. (three times) | ![]() I, your reverences, have fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. So I, honored Sirs, asked the order for the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. The order pronounced on me the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. Having performed the one day probation, I asked the Order the six night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. The Order pronounced on me the six-night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. Having performed the penance, I now ask the Order for rehabilitation. (three times) |
![]() Suṇātu me bhante saṃgho. Ayaṃ bhikkhu ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajji sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ. So saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sa³cetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāci. Saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhapaparivāsaṃ adāsi. So parivuṭṭhaparivāso saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ yāci. saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ adāsi. so ciṇṇamānatto saṃghaṃ abbhānaṃ yācati. Yadi saṃghassa pattakallaṃ saṃgho ayaṃ bhikkhuṃ abbheyya, esāñatti. Suṇātu me bhante saṃgho. Ayaṃ bhikkhu ekaṃ āpattiṃ āpajji sañcetanikaṃ sukkavissaṭṭhiṃ ekāhappaṭicchannaṃ. So saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sa³cetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṃ yāci. Saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhapaparivāsaṃ adāsi. So parivuṭṭhaparivāso saṃghaṃ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ yāci. saṃgho tassa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṃ mānattaṃ adāsi. so ciṇṇamānatto saṃghaṃ abbhānaṃ yācati. saṃgho ayaṃ bhikkhuṃ abbheti. yassāyasmato khamati tassa bhikkhuno abbhānaṃ. so tuṇhassa. yassa nakkhamati. so bhāseyya. (Dutuyampi etamatthaṃ vadāmi-) (Tatiyampi etamatthaṃ vadāmi-) Abbhito saṃghena ayaṃ bhikkhu. Khamati saṃghassa. Tasmā tuṇhī. evametaṃ dhārayāmi. THE END | ![]() Honored Sirs, let the Order listen to me. This monk has fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. He asked the Order for one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. And the Order pronounced on the monk the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen. Having performed the probation, he asked the Order for a six-night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. Having performed the penance, he now asks the Order for rehabilitation. If it seems right to the Order, the Order may rehabilitate the monk. This is the motion. Honored Sirs, let the Order listen to me. This monk has fallen into one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. He asked the Order for one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. And the Order pronounced on the monk the one day probation for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen. Having performed the probation, he asked the Order for a six-night penance for that one offence: the intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day. Having performed the penance, he asked the Order for rehabilitation. The Order now rehabilitates the monk. If the rehabilitation of the monk is pleasing to a venerable, he should be silent; he to whom it is not pleasing should speak. (For the second time I speak forth this matter: -----) (For the third time I speak forth this matter: -----) THE END |
The end of the chapter of Saṃghādisesa is finished.
By the power of your study earnestly, ardently, precisely and carefully, may you all get the sharp, deep and wide knowledge of Vinaya, and be lucky and successful, without any difficulty, in your exam and in your circles of rebirth until you reach the final destination.
With compassionate loving kindness
Ven. Janaka (wuntho)
The Department of Vinaya
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