Discourse On Living together with 'Brahmas' - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Discourse On Living together with 'Brahmas'

Tikanip±tap±¼i:  130 - 31

4. Devad³tavaggo


  31. “Sabrahmak±ni  bhikkhave,  t±ni kul±ni yesa½ putt±na½ m±t±pitaro ajjh±g±re p³jit± honti.  Sapubb±cariyak±ni, bhikkhave, t±ni kul±ni yesa½ putt±na½ m±t±pitaro  ajjh±g±re p³jit± honti. S±huneyy±ni  bhikkhave, t±ni kul±ni  yesa½ putt±na½ m±t±pitaro ajjh±g±re p³jit± honti. ‘Brahm±’ti,  bhikkhave, m±t±pit³na½ eta½ adhivacana½. ‘Pubb±cariy±’ti, bhikkhave,  m±t±pit³na½ eta½ adhivacana½. ‘¾huneyy±’ti (pg. 1.0131)  bhikkhave, m±t±pit³na½  eta½ adhivacana½. Ta½ kissa hetu? Bahuk±r±, bhikkhave, m±t±pitaro  putt±na½, ±p±dak± posak±, imassa lokassa dasset±roti. 
            “Brahm±ti m±t±pitaro, pubb±cariy±ti vuccare; 
            ¾huneyy± ca putt±na½, paj±ya anukampak±. 
            “Tasm± hi ne namasseyya, sakkareyya ca paº¹ito; 
            Annena atha p±nena, vatthena sayanena ca; 
            Ucch±danena nh±panena, p±d±na½ dhovanena ca. 
            “T±ya na½ p±ricariy±ya, m±t±pit³su paº¹it±; 
            Idheva na½ pasa½santi, pecca sagge pamodat²”ti. Paµhama½. 

1. Sabrahmaka sutta
Discourse On Living together with 'Brahmas'
31. Bhikkhus, in a certain family, sons and daughters honor and serve their parents in their home. Such a family is said to be living together with 'Brahmas'. Bhikkhus, in a certain family sons and daughters honor and serve their parents in their home. Such a family is said to be living together with ‘The foremost Teachers’. (Pubbācariyā). Bhikkhus, in a certain family, sons and daughters honor and serve their parents in their home. Such a family is said to be living together with 'The ones worthy of receiving offerings brought even from afar'. (Āhuneyyā). Bhikkhus, the term `Brahma'is the metaphor for parents. Bhikkhus, the term `The foremost Teachers' is the metaphor for parents. Bhikkhus, the term ‘The ones worthy of receiving offerings brought even from afar’ is the metaphor for parents. Why is this so? Bhikkhus, parents are great benefactors of sons and daughters; they are givers of life to sons and daughters; they bring them up; and they teach them the ways of the world.
To sons and daughters, parents are indeed
Brahmas', are ‘the foremost teachers’ and
‘The ones worthy of receiving offerings brought
even from afar. They are always
com­passionate to their offspring. A wise son or
daughter, therefore, honors the parents and
serves them respectfully by supplying them
with food and beverages, clothing, and
bedding, by rubbing them with unguents, by
bathing them and washing their feet; such a
dutiful son or daughter is praised by the
wise in this very life; and in the hereafter
that person enjoys happiness in the deva

End of the Sabrahmaka sutta, the first in this vagga.

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