THE CHAPTER VIII OF SAṂGHĀDISESA - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019


8. Paṭhamaduṭṭhadosa sikkhāpada
When the Buddha was residing at Veḷuvanamonastery in Sāvatthi, the followers of Mettiyaand Bhummajaka got their female disciple, Mettiya bhikkhunī, to accuse Venerable Dabba, who has already attained Arahantship at the age of seven, of pārājika offence.
"Come, sister. Go to where the Blessed One is and say this: "It is unfitting, Lord, and improper. The quarter without dread, without harm, without danger, is (now) the quarter with dread, with harm, with danger. Where there is calm, there is a windstorm. The water, as it were, is ablaze. I have been raped by Master Dabba."
After Mettiya Bhikkhuni made her charge, the Buddha convened a meeting of the Saṃgha to question Ven. Dabba. The latter, who had attained arahantship at the age of seven, responded truthfully that he could not call to mind ever having indulged in sexual intercourse even in a dream, much less when awake. The Buddha then told the Saṃgha to expel Mettiya Bhikkhuni and returned to his quarters. Then the Buddha laid down this sikkhāpada.

Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṃ duṭṭho doso appatīto amþlakena pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṃseyya"appeva nāma naṃ imamhā bramhacariyā cāveyyan"ti, tato aparena samayena samanuggāhīyamāno vā asamanuggāhīyamāno vā  amþlakañceva taṃ adhikaraṇaṃ hoti, bhikkhu ca dosaṃ patiṭṭhāti, saṃghādiseso.
Should any bhikkhu, being angry, desirous of venting anger, and displeased, accuse a bhikkhu of pārājika offence groundlessly, thinking thus, "probably with this accusation I may make him fall from the holy life", and afterwards whether he is examined or not that accusation is groundless and the bhikkhu admits to the wrongdoing, this entails saṃghādisesa offence.


chabbaggiya bhikkhus

1. Assaji         2. Punabhasuka       3. Paṇḍuka     4. Lohitaka    5. Mettiya*    6. Bhummajaka*

five factors

1.Upasampanno                    = Being a monk who was accused.
2.Suddhasaññitā                   = Having perception that the accused is purified from Pārājika offence.
3.Amūlakatā                          = Unseen (Adiṭṭha), unheard (Asuta) and unsuspected (Aparisaṅkita) on
what  a monk has committed Pārājika offence.
4.Cāvanādhippāyena sammukhācodanā
= Accusing in the presence of a monk with the intention of
  depriving him from monkhood.
5.Taṅkhaṇa Vijjānanaṃ                  = Instantly understood by the accused as soon as it has been done.


1. purity of viewfor one's impurity

no leave is taken and desiring one's expulsion
dukkaṭa offence and saṃghādisesa offence
no leave is taken and intention to abuse
dukkaṭa offence and pācittiya offence

2. Impurity of view for one's purity
no leave is taken and desiring one's expulsion
dukkaṭa offence
no leave is taken and intention to abuse
dukkaṭa offence and pācittiya offence
3. Impurity of view for one's impurity
no leave is taken and desiring one's expulsion
dukkaṭa offence
no leave is taken and intention to abuse
dukkaṭa offence and pācittiya offence

4. purity of view for one's purity
no leave is taken and desiring one's expulsion
dukkaṭa offence and saṃghādisesa offence
no leave is taken and intention to abuse
dukkaṭa offence and pācittiya offence

Anāpatti suddhe asuddhadiṭṭhissa asuddhe asuddhadiṭṭhissa ummattakassa ādikammikassa.
There is no offence if there is a view as to what is impure in what is pure, if there is a view as to what is impure in what is impure, if he is mad, if he is a first wrong doer.

A monk should not accuse another monk with pārājika offence groundlessly.

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