Vinaya Study in Diploma - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Vinaya Study in Diploma

Vinaya study in Diploma


I.                  Introduction to Vinaya

II.               Nine types of chapter in Bhikkhupātimokkha

III.           Seven kinds of offences (Āpatti)

IV.            Seven places (Where sikkhāpadas were laid down by the Buddha)

V.               The Comparision of Āpatti

VI.            Two kinds of regulation

VII.        Three kinds of amendment

VIII.     Ten objectives for the community of the Saṃgha

IX.            Ovāda Patimokkha



I. Introduction To Vinaya

-Dhammakkhandhā          = The main portions or articles of the Dhamma

-Dhamma and Vinaya        =    ‘Yo vo, Ānanda, mayā dhammo ca vinayo ca desito  paññatto, so vo mamaccayena satthā’ti

-Three Piṭaka                   = The three repositories of Buddhist scriptures or three baskets, namely

1. Vinayapiṭaka,

2. Suttantapiṭaka, and

3. Abhidhammapiṭaka

-Five Nikāyas                  = The Five Collections, namely

1. Dīghanikāya,

2. Majjhimanikāya,

3. Saṃyuttanikāya,

4. Aṅguttaranikāya and

5. Khuddakanikāya.

-Vinayapiṭaka     =Tattha  paṭhamasaṅgītiyaṃ saṅgītañca asaṅgītañca sabbampi samodhānetvā  ubhayāni pātimokkhāni, dve vibhaṅgā, dvāvīsati khandhakā,  soḷasaparivārāti– idaṃ vinayapiṭakaṃnāma.

                              [Di.I = Sīlakkhandhavagga-aṭṭhakathā]



II. Nine types of chapter in Bhikkhupātimokkha

1. Nidāna                       = the chapter of preliminary rules

2. Pārājika                      = the chapter of entailing loss of monkhood

3. Saṃghādisesa            = the chapter of entailing a formal meeting of the Order

4. Aniyata                      = the chapter of indeterminable offences

5. Nissaggiyapācittiya     = the chapter of entailing expiation with forfeiture

6. Suddhapācittiya          = the chapter of entailing expiation

7. Pāṭidesanīya               = the chapter of entailing confession exclusively

8. Sekhiya                      = the chapter of training rules

9. Adhikaraṇasamatha     = the chapter of procedures of setting disputes


III. Seven kinds of offences (Āpatti)

1.     Pārājikaāpatti            = the offence of entailing loss of monkhood

2.     Saṃghādisesaāpatti   = the offence of entailing a formal meeting of the

3.     Thullaccayaāpatti      = the offence of grave one

4.     Pācittiyaāpatti           = the offence of entailing expiation

5.     Pāṭidesanīyaāpatti     = the offence of entailing confession exclusively

6.     Dukkaṭaāpatti            = the offence of wrong or bad action

7.     Dubbhāsitaāpatti       = the offence of wrong or bad speech



IV. Seven places (Where sikkhāpadas were laid down by the Buddha)

1.     Vesāḷī          = Bihar-Modern India

2.     Rājagaha =  

3.     Ālavī      = Uttar Pradesh-Modern India

4.     Sāvatthi   =  

5.     Kosambī =  

6.     Sakka     = Modern Nipal

7.     Bhagga   = Modhar Pradesh-Modern India




Pārājika āpatti

Garuka āpatti =

Very serious offence

Duṭṭhulla āpatti = Indecent offence

Garuka āpatti =

Very serious offence

Atekiccha āpatti = Incurable offence

Saṃghādisesa āpatti

Majjhima āpatti =Middle offence

Satekiccha āpatti = curable offence

Thullaccaya āpatti

Lahuka āpatti = Light offence

Desanāgāminī āpatti =

The offence which can be cured by confession or declaration in front of a monk

Lahuka āpatti = Light offence

Pācittiya āpatti

Pāṭidesanīya āpatti

Dukkaṭa āpatti

Dubbhāsita āpatti


VI. Two kinds of regulation

1. Mūlapaññatti      = the rooted regulation or the base regulation

2. Anupaññatti       = the amendment of regulation


VII. Three kinds of amendment

1.     Āpattikara Anupaññatti                        = the amendment of regulation which added more offences

2.     Anāpattikara Anupaññatti                    = the amendment of regulation which exempted from offences

3.     Āpatti upatthambhakara Anupaññatti    = the amendment of regulation which is confirmed as offences



*Vinayonāma Buddhasāsanassa āyu;

*Vinaye ṭhite sāsanaṃ ṭhitaṃ.

*The punitive regulation is the existence of the dispensation of the Buddha;

*If the punitive regulation subsists, the dispensation of Buddha will subsist.



VIII. Ten objectives for the community of the Saṃgha

1.     Saṃghasuṭthutāya           =for the excellence of the Saṃgha

2.     Saṃghaphāsutāya           =for the well-beeing of the Saṃgha

3.     Dummaṅkūnaṃ

     puggalānaṃ niggahāya     =for the control of ill-controlled bhikkhus

4.     Pesalānaṃ puggalānaṃ

     phāsuvihārāya                 =for the comfort of well-behaved bhikkhus

5.     Diṭṭhadhammikānaṃ

     āsavānaṃ saṃvarāya       =for the restraint of the āsava in the present state.

6.     Samparāyikānaṃ

     āsavānaṃ paṭighātāya      =for the protection from the āsava in the future state.

7.     Apasannānaṃ pasādāya  =to give confidence to those of a little faith

8.     Pasannānaṃ

     bhiyyobhāvāya                =to increase confidence to the faithful

9.     Saddhammaṃ ṭhitiyā       =to establish of the True Dhamma

10. Vinayānuggahāya             =to support Vinaya


Pāḷi Words:

~     Suṭṭhutā (f)                    = excellence.

~     Phāsu (m)                      = ease; comfort. (adj.) comfortable; easy.

~     Dummaṅkū (adj)            = one who is difficult to make silent; obstinate person.

~     Niggaha (m)                   = censure; blame; reproach.

~     Pesala (adj)                    = well-behaved.

~     Vihāra (m)                     = an abode; a dwelling place; mode of life; passing the time.

~     Diṭṭha [pp. of passati]        = seen; found; understood. (nt.), vision.

~     Dhammika (adj)             = righteous.

~     Āsava                            = canker.

~     Saṃvarati [saṃ+var+a]    = restrains; shuts; covers.

~     Samparāyika (adj)          = belonging to the next world.

~     Paṭighāta (m)                 = collision; knocking against; repulsion.

~     Appasanna (a)               = 1. Displeased; 2. Not believing.

~     Pasāda (m)                    = clearness; brightness; joy; faith; the faculty of

~     Pasanna [pp. of pasīdati]     = become bright; pleased or purified; was clear

~     Bhiyyo [ind.]                 = exceedingly; more; in a higher degree; repeatedly.

~     Bhāveti [bhū+e]              = increases; cultivates; develops.

~     Bhāva (m.)                    = condition; nature; becoming.

~     Ṭhiti (f)                         = stability; duration; continuance.

~     Anuggaha (nt)                = favour; help; assistance.



IX. Ovāda Pātimokkha





Khantī 1  paramaṃ tapo titikkhā,

Nibbānaṃ paramaṃ vadanti Buddhā

Nahi pabbajito parūpaghātī,

Na samano hoti paraṃ viheṭhayanto.

(Dp. 184)



Sabbapāpassa akaranaṃ,

Kusalassa upasampadā2

Sacittapariyodapanaṃ 3,

Etaṃ Buddhāna sāsanaṃ

(Dp. 183)



Anupavādo 4 anupaghāto  5,

Pātimokkhe ca saṃvaro 6

Mattaññutā 7 ca bhattasmiṃ,

Pantañca sayanāsanaṃ

Adhicitte 8 ca āyogo 9,

Etaṃ Buddhāna sāsanaṃ

(Dp. 185)




The best moral practice is patience and forbearance;

 “Nibbāna is Supreme.” Said the Buddhas.

A bhikkhu does not harm others;

one who harms other is not a bhikkhu.




Not to do evil,

to cultivate merit,

to purify one’s mind

This is the Teaching of the Buddhas.




Not to revile, not to do any harm,

to practice restraint a/c to the Pātimokkha rules

(Fundamental Instructions for the bhikkhus),

to be moderate in taking food,

to dwell in secluded place,

to devote oneself to higher concentration -

This is the Teaching of the Buddhas.




khanti : [f.] patience; wish; forbearance.

pabbajati : [pa + vaj + a] goes forth; becomes a monk; leaves household life.

pabbajana : [nt.] taking up of the ascetic life; become a monk. || pabbājana (nt.) exile; banishment.

pabbajanta : [pr.p. of pabbajati] going forth; becoming a monk; leaving household life.

pabbaji : [aor. of pabbajati] went forth; became a monk; leaved household life.

pabbajita : [pp. of pabbajati] (m.) a monk.

pabbajitvā : [abs. of pabbajati]  

pabbajjā : [f.] taking up of the ascetic life; becoming a monk.

para : [adj.] other; another; foreign; alien; outsider. || pāra (nt.), the opposite shore; the other side.

parama : [adj.] superior; best; excellent.

parūpaghāta : [m.] injuring others.

tapa : [m.; nt.] (mano-group) penance; religious austerity; morality. (in cpds. this changes it's last vowel a to o and stands as tapo.)

titikkhati : [tij + kha; ti is doubled and j is changed to k] endures; forebears.

titikkhanta : [pr.p. of titikkhati] enduring.

titikkhamāna : [pr.p. of titikkhati] enduring.

titikkhā : [f.] endurance; forgiveness.

titikkhi : [aor. of titikkhati] .

titikkhitvā : [abs. of titikkhati]

viheṭheti : [vi + heṭh + e] vexes; brings into difficulties.

viheṭhiyamāna : [pr.p.p. of] being oppressed or harassed.= viheṭhayanta [pṛp.p of above]



upasampadā : [f.] higher ordination of a monk.

pariyodapanā : [f.] purification.

pariyodapita : [pp. of pariyodapeti] cleansed; purified.

pariyodapeti : [pari + ava + dā + āpe] cleanses; purifies.

pariyodapesi : [aor. of pariyodapeti] cleansed; purified.



ayana : [nt.] a bed; sleeping. || sayāna (adj.) sleeping; lying down. sāyana (nt.), tasting.

adhicitta : [nt.] 1. higher thought; 2. concentration of mind.

āyoga : [m.] 1. devotion to; 2. exertion; 3. bandage.

upaghātaka : [adj.] injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys.

upaghātana : [nt.] jolting; sudden jerk.

upaghātī : [adj.] injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys.

upavadati : [upa + vad + a] blames; insults.

panta : [adj.] distant; remote; secluded; solitary

matta : [pp. of majjati] was intoxicated; full of joy; proud of; conceited; polished. (- ka), (in cpds.) of the size of; as much as. || mattā (f.), a measure; quantity; moderation; size. maṭṭa (adj.) smoothed; polished.

mattaññutā: [f.] moderation.            

mattaññū : [adj.] knowing the measure or limit; moderate.

saṃvara : [m.] restraint.[saṃvarati]

saṃvaraṇa : [nt.] restriction; obstruction; shutting.

saṃvarati : [saṃ + var + a] restrains; shuts; covers.

sayati : [si + a] sleeps; lies down. || sāyati (sā + ya), tastes.

sayana : [nt.] a bed; sleeping. || sayāna (adj.) sleeping; lying down. sāyana (nt.), tasting.



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