Why is Vinaya Rules Essential for Monks? - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Friday, October 11, 2019

Why is Vinaya Rules Essential for Monks?

Vinaya rules are very essential for monk. The life of a monk is governed by the Vinaya rules. These rules raise the life of a monk. In other words, they help his life attain a higher stage.
Vinaya rules are the base for monks to escape from sufferings. Only those who practise Vinayarules can stand for a long time in the Buddha’s teaching. Moreover, the Buddha established the Buddhist Order on the foundation of Vinaya rules. Once he admonished the Order, saying: “Ānanda, do not think the Buddha is not more, do not think there is no teacher for you. Whatever Dhamma and VinayaI have taught and formulated for you. That will be your teacher when I am gone.”
Actually, at the beginning of the Buddha’s enlightenment, He did not promulgate Vinayarules because His disciples did not commit any wrong-doings yet. When they committed them, he had to lay down Vinaya rules to cease them.

Furthermore, with Vinaya rules, the disciples know clearly what should be done and what should not. Therefore, they can avoid offences and can get happiness in ascetic life. Vinaya rules were promulgated by the Buddha in order to eradicate defilements of some monks, to protect them from lower stage and able to enhance them in this very life or the next life.
If a monk practises Vinaya rules well, he can bring faith clarity to some ordinary people who have no faith in Buddhism, and brings more faith to those who have faith, too.
With Vinayarules as the foundation, the monks can proceed on concentration and wisdom, up to the final goal of Magga, Phala, and Nibbāna.
Thus, Vinayarules are so essential for monks. Good Bhikkhus, who follow the Vinayarules, must promote and propagate the Sāsana. Vinaya rules are the cornerstones to the moral life of Monkhood. Therefore, the Buddha said “Vinayais the life-blood of the Sāsana. As long as the Vinaya exists, the Sāsanastands.” 

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