Cetanā and Cetasika - Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature


Buddhism, Philosophy, and Khmer Literature

The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cetanā and Cetasika

The term Cetanā is derived from the root Ci (to think). It is used in the sense of coordination (abhisandhāna) and accumulation (āyūhana). Therefore, Cetanā is that which coordinates the mental states associated with itself on the object of consciousness. It fulfills its own function and regulates the function of the other mental states with it. As a result of its function, it plays a predominant part in all action whether wholesome or unwholesome.

           Cetanā can be translated as volition and it is most significant mental state in the mundane consciousness because it has accumulative power, so it is regarded as Kamma in the wholesome and unwholesome mundane consciousness.


Which cetasika is it?


1.    Paying attention to the words of the elders a superior

2.    Having full concentration on one subject

3.    Having doubt in law of cause and effect

4.    Showing loving-kindness towards others

5.    Being lack of concentration

6.    Having the name of life

7.    Having the name of knowledge

8.    Diligence

9.    Feel pitiful towards the starving refugee in Somalia

10.   The cetasika which associates with cittas the least/the most

11.   For a person who is not shameful and afraid of committing akusala

12.   Having strong faith in triple gem

13.   For a person who avoids killing a mosquito while being bitten

14.   For a girl who is highly conceited by the beauty and fortune

15.   A decide after thinking which cetasika include in this statement

16.   Being remorseful over immoral actions having done (remembering again and again over kusala in the past)

17.   Having jealousy of others’ fortune and good fame

18.   Decide whether one can attain kusala or not for a person who feels pitiful who sees the starving refugees while watching satellite news

19.   For a person who abstains from doing wrong witness in a trial after deciding to do so by charging and taking money

20.   Cetasikas which associate with not only beautiful but also immoral consciousness

21.   Cetasikas which guards the peace of the world

22.   The opposite cetasika of (Sati, Hiri, Ottappa, Lobha, Dosa, Uddhacca, and Moha)

23.   Differentiate the cittas associated with vedana cetasika according to Bhumi

24.   Enumerate cetasika associated with consciousness for a student who donates pleasurable with wisdom on her own to the image of the Buddha

25.   Enumerate cetasika associated with lobha consciousness for a student cheating pleasurably in the exam without encouragement of others for thinking that it is sinful

26.   Name cetasikas which occur whenever akusala cittas exist

27.   Name cetasikas which occur whenever kusala cittas exist

28.   Name cetasikas which occur whenever any cittas exist

29.   In which person does wrong view exist between a greedy person and an angry person? Decide according to Sampayoga way.

30.   Which citta occurs for a person who killed a butterfly fly out of pity after catching it to kill? Which cetasika associated with it?

Which citta occurs for a person who changes his mind tells the truth after deciding to tell lie? Which cetasika associated with it?

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