An. Verses 188 to
192. The story of Aggidatta:
188. when threatened with danger, men go to many a refuge, to mountains and
forests, to parks, and gardens, and to sacred trees.
189. But such a refuge is not a safe, not the best refuge. One is not liberated
from all evil consequences of existence (dukkha) for having come to such a
190-192. One, who takes refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, sees with
magga insight the Four Noble Truths, viz. Dukkha, the cause of Dukkha, the
cessation of Dukkha, and the Noble Path of Eight constituents which leads to
the cessation of Dukkha.
192. This, indeed, is the safe refuge, this is the best refuge, one is
liberated from the Dukkha (suffering).
Q.2. Describe the “daily religious Tasks” to be performed by a
Buddhist. Why should we cultivate loving-kindness?
An. Loving-kindness
(Metta) is the opposite of hatred (dosa), loving-kindness is the mental factor
called Adosa (non-hatred) which wishes for the welfare of other beings,
contemplating, “May all beings be happy; May they be free danger.”
addition, Metta is generally understood as “Love” the living there are there
Mutual love between husband and wife (Tanhapena)
Mutual love among the members of the family
Loving-kindness, or benevolence for the welfare
So the first two
kinds of love are not Metta. They are lust, greed and craving.
is the pure form of love which can bring peace and properity to all beings.
Q.3. “The observance of five precepts by everyone will make a
better and peaceful world.”
Yes I agree with this statement, because the five precepts are the bases
of Buddhist Morality. The first precept is to avoid killing or harming human
being (Panatipata), the second precept is to avoid stealing, the other’s
property (Adinnadana). The third precept is to avoid sexual misconduct
(Kamesumicchacara). The fourth is to avoid lying, slandering, speaking harshly,
and talking vainly (Musavada). The fifth is to avoid alcohol and other
intoxicating drugs (Surameraya).
everyone should willingly and diligently observe the moral precepts of
panca-sila as the benefits are very great and evil consequences are terrible if
one breaks thee precepts.
Finally, if everyone observes five precepts diligently they will be eternal peace in the whole world. Thus pañca sila is regarded as the “Guardian of the World”.
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